Creative Hub Report

"Creative Hub: From Local to Global"

Creative Hub was launched at Abdullah Gül University Sümer Campus in Kayseri. It encourages young entrepreneurs to think creatively and innovatively and enables entrepreneurs having different disciplinary backgrounds work together. It aims to produce solutions to the problem of commercialization in the leading countries such as the USA and Britain.

"Creative Hub: From Local to Global" prepared by the AGU TTO and Youth Factory team was submitted for the American Embassy Grant Program and entitled to get support for this center organizing trainings and encourage entrepreneurs for innovative and creative interdisciplinary projects, workshops and competitions. In addition, long-term trainings were held in order to increase the knowledge of entrepreneurs in the field of design and software. Creative Hub trainings were open to everyone regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, refugee status or gender within the scope of AGU's equality and freedom policy, and the participants were given certificates at the end of each training.

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