Project Selection Processes

‘Commission for Evaluation of Youth Projects and for Selection’, composed of 5 academic members, is responsible to evaluate application forms and other relevant documents and processes of projects carried out by Youth Factory.

Criterias for Selection

(1) to participate in social responsibility and contribution projects* ( Max. 40 points will be taken. in the case of equality. In the case of total score equality, candidates who get points from more than one item will be prioritized.)

a) Take part in the board of management, implementation or serve as a leader in a project organized within the scope of social incubation center and / or student club activities without having a course responsibility.

(b) Take part in project as a volunteer organized by an institution including university units, NGOs, public institutions, student clubs, etc. institution. (30p)

(c) Being participant in the projects have completed or completed within the scope of courses offered at the university. (+10p.)

(2)  with the condition of documenting, to participate in a project related with the mobility topic. ( +10 points).

(3) with the condition of documenting, to present your project in a statement format or in a competition, project bazaar and other similar events (+5 p.)

(4) with the condition of documenting, to get funds from an institution (TÜBİTAK, National Agency, Youth and Spor Ministry and etc.) (+5 p.)

(5) with the condition of documenting, to get an award for the project (+5 p).

(6) To participate in activities organized within our university such as university promotion and student presidency events ( max. +35 points) 

(a) working as a volunteer in University promotion department (+ 35 p.)

(b) Being a member of the management and supervisor board of the student clubs (+ 35 p.)

(c) Working part-time at university departments (+25 p.)

(d) Participating in student clubs activities. (+ 5 p.)

(7)  to have an experience abroad via such projects organized by our university (-30 points)

(8)  to get at least 50 points to be selected after Youth Exchange Committee Assessment.

* Only participation document, award certificate and/or participation certificate will be accepted as a proof.

** Applications of those who do not send their CV and Motivation Letter will not be taken into consideration.

Other relevant explanations:

(1) Applicant who have an experience abroad via such projects organized by our university will get - 30 points.

(2) Those who were selected as candidates in the announced project but do not want to participate in the mobility without a reason other than excuses will get -30 points in the following project applications announced in the same academic term and following academic term. 

 *Social responsibility and contribution project is a project focusing on a social problem, having pre-determined goals and aims and clear target group for a specific period of time, and composed of sustainable activities with outputs.

**The language of activities and events of projects is English. Participants are expected to have an English exam score (YDS, KPDS, ÜDS) at least 70 points for active participation and benefit.