Youth Mobility Program and Details:

What is youth mobility?

Since 2004,  Republic of Turkey has been a member of EU Education and Youth Programs. Youth in Action lasting between 2007-2014 continues as a youth program under Erasmus+. AGU Youth Factory offers mobility opportunities covering 54 European countries for 13-30 old young people under Erasmus+ Youth Program.

Youth Exchanges:

Youth Exchange brings young people from different countries and gives an opportunity to explore new cultures. Groups come together for a cultural topic which is a mutual concern for every one. Besides of abroad projects, young people can also arrange international projects in their countries. Youth exchange, in general, lasts one week.

Participants are expected to between 18 and 25 ages. This age criteria changes according to exceptional situations and for leaders.

Expenses of participants such as travel, visa, basic consumption needs, accomadation and project expenses are met by National Agencies and home institutions. Liability for insurance and personal expenses lies on participants.

Youth Education Courses (Youth Workers’ Mobility)

Youth workers’ mobility supports education, experiences and skills of active people working in the field of youth and activities providing long term projects, partnerships and networks. Courses last one week in general.

There is no age criteria for participants.

National agencies and home institutions are responsible for expenses of participants such as travel, visa, basic consumption needs, accomadation, and project expenses. Participants are expected to meet their personal expenses and insurance. In some cases, project contribution can be expected with the co-financing of participants.

Some examples of our projects:

-        “Algecampus Intercultural” ,“Votelect” and “Training for Trainers Education Course”, “Via Urbana” Projects in Spain

-       “TC Advocacy” Project in Lithuania

-       “Mediterrangement” Project in Malta

-       “Face the Race Education Course” and “Enterprise YOUth Education Course” in Hungary

-       “You(th) 4 Europe Youth Exchange” in Italy

-       “ENACT Education Course” in Scottland

-       “Indoor Tools for Citizenship Education Course” in Czech Republic

-       “Learning by MovingEducation Course in Estonia

-       “Our Opinion MattersEducation Course in England