European Solidarity Program (European Solidarity Corps, ESC) provides an opportunity for 18-30 years old young people to take a part as a volunteer in social solidarity projects abroad. Volunteers gain new skills by contributing to local society, learn new languages and explore new cultures.

Participants are not required to make payment for their volunteer applications and their basic expenses are paid from Erasmus+ Program budget which is controlled by Turkish National Agency. 

In addition, Youthpass Certificate! Every volunteer has the certificate which certifies acquired skills and competences. This certificate provides an important opportunity for job interviews and applications in the field of education.

Since 2014, AGU Youth Factory has accreditation for sending, hosting and coordinating activities under ESC. Also, as a result of the application for ESC50 made in 2021, our university is found suitable among 169 applications and entitled to receive the document by 2022. Our university is titled as ‘Quality Certificate Leader’ with 80 applicants, ‘Quality Certificate Supporter’ with 63 applicants, and ‘Quality Certificate Home Institution’ with 53 applicants.