Students of AGU – Mehtap Saatçi, Hicran Kızıltepe, Hacernur Uzuner, and Ayten Tahçı- gave education to 4. year students of Gazipaşa Primary School to create and increase awareness about soil. To increase the connection between students and soil, a workshop was made and students got an opportunity to touch soil directly by having an awareness. In addition, with non-formal learning methods such as playing games and painting activities, students learned with fun. At the end of the project, students were expected to prepare issue-related poems and paintings which were collected.



Our university students- Asena Çökelik, Aybüke Kargı, Ebusamet Gözen, Firdevs Sude Çelik and Ogün Akı- successfully carried out their project which was the third project of ‘Createhaton’ competition organized by AGU Youth Factory.

The Project team came together with 4. year students of Besime Özderici Primary School to increase water awareness by focusing 6th of Sustainable Development Goals, ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’for 4 weeks. In first 3 weeks, the project team visited students in their schools and gave educations about importance of water, water scarcity in the world, global warming and water saving. In the last week, students of Besime Özderici Primary School were invited to AGU campus. Students were expected to live with 1.5 liter of water and use it for daily needs such as drinking and cleaning. With this activity, the aim is to increase awareness of students by experience.

Students played a different game provided by Kayseri Youth Center, under the observation of the project team for brainstorming about water and Turkey’s geography. At the end, students prepared 8 banners about water which was higher than expectations within a certain time. One of 6 groups was selected as the winner of this competition with votes of students. At the end of the projects, students send their videos which were about living with 1.5 liter of water.


Our university students- Melisa Tecik, Pelin Balık, Gizem Baktır, Sena Yalçın and Buse Özcan got involved in the project called ‘Sürdürülebilir Toprak Gübresi (sustainable soil fertilizer)’ which aimed to produce compost fertilizer by transforming organic wastes such as tea, coffee, fruits, egg wastes. The central aim was to increase awareness for using wastes in our kitchens in order to learn and use such things in sustainable ways. The first path to do this was to arrange awareness meetings in cafes located in campus and province and to place recycle bins in those places. Later, earthworms were provided in order to speed the composit-making process up. The project became successful even in the first phrase.



The first meeting for the "Speaking Club" project, written by members of AGU SWE Club and started to action with the support of Youth Factory, was held on December 24, 2021. On January 12, 2022, the project started with the first training workshop.

In this project started with desire to raise awareness about the 'Global Development Goals' by bringing together young people who experience different global problems at an early age in different parts of the world, it was primarily intended to remove the language barrier. For this purpose, a 10-week language training was planned for 13 high school students to learn English by practicing with Abdullah Gul University students.

The first activity within the scope of the project was the meeting event between participating students and the AGU SWE team on 24 December. Through this event, the expectations of  participants were determined and ideas were exchanged about the course of the project in  ongoing process.

With the first week training held on Wednesday, January 12, participants started a long-term marathon for the organization which they will meet with their Romanian peers after 10 weeks. At the end of the marathon, participants who are familiar with the "Sustainable Development Goals", will host their peers from Romania. They will also create an environment for discussion about global issues and host a unique cultural interaction environment at an early age.

One of the expected results of the project that participants who will spend the 10-week training process in different areas of the Sumer Campus, will experience campus life and will be motivated for university life.



‘Academic Audio Library’, a project written by the leadership of AGU SWE and AGU Business Administration Club members with the support of AGU Head of Library and Documentation Department and Youth Factory, aims to increase the level of participation of blind peoples in academic life. Despite of the existence of voice records of literary texts, there is the lack of an academic library in which academic texts are voiced. So, students of AGU is trying to create such a library by being aware of this lack to provide equal opportunities.

The project started with the initiation of ‘Diction Training for Volunteers’ on 15 December, 2021. 21 volunteers participated in this training which lasted 5 weeks. After that, a different training was given to volunteers for correct voicing of tables and graffics in academic documents.   

The one of the most important part of this project is the participation of AGU Computer Engineering students in necessary software processes for the creation of a working audio library.


The project, called ‘Dream Toy), planned by AGU Design Club members with the support of Youth Factory, was started with a meeting on 31 December 2021. A training process was planned to start on 28 February, 2022 with Mehmet Gören, a lecturer in the field of architecture.

The main aim is to increase intellectual capabilities and imagination of primary school students and at the same time it is aimed to decrease inequalities among students. By the way, sustainable development goals are put at the center of the project for awareness. For these reasons, a primary school class having 30 students was selected to draw their dream toys. These toys pictures were gathered by AGU students to transform drawings into toys by modelling after trainings.

The first phrase was made in a primary school on 31 December. The aim of this event was to get drawings of dream toys. In addition, students put little notes about their toys. The later phrase is divided for regular modelling trainings after 28 February, 2022. The last phrase is to make toys by using 3D printer. After the end of all toys, a small exhibition will be made in the campus to encourage little students for feeling of success. The outcome will be an increase in awareness on decreasing inequalities under Sustainable Development Goals for both little students and AGU students.



As part of the “Creathon” event, "New Country One World Adaptation Program" project was implemented by our students Caner Sağır, Mehpare Şahin, Mine Sude Pınar and Seda Sarmaz in cooperation with AGU Youth Factory and Kayseri Youth Center.

Within the scope of the project, the adaptation process of foreign students to city and their schools has been treated as a problem. A special 4-week adaptation program covering the culture of Kayseri and our country has been prepared to facilitate the adaptation process.In the first week of the project which was carried out with about 20 foreign students, introductory trainings were given on health, transportation, educational opportunities.The following week, educational games and dating events were held. In the third week, the art of marbling was tried by the students at the youth center. With a traditional event called "Sıra Gecesi", our country's culture was reflected in them and also a traditinal food "Çiğ Köfte" treats, gave them the opportunity to taste different flavors. In addition, various folk dances were explained and tried together. The last week of the program is followed by cultural trips. Last week, a tour of Erciyes Mountain was organized and various activities and treats were made. On the way back, the program ended with a trip to "Selçuklu Museum".

As a result of the activities and promotions made within the scope of the project, foreign students who have just come to the city have embraced the culture of the city and the country. They also met each other and made new friends. Finally, a project evaluation survey was conducted and it was concluded that the project was carried out with high satisfaction. Photos and videos taken during the project are available on the “kayserigenclikdayanismasi” Instagram page.



This project, is carried by AGU Science and Technology Club with the support of Youth Factory and Kayseri Youth Center, aims to introduce science to students of village schools through presentations, experiments, workshops, and games and to increase their sense of criosity toward science.

Within the scope of the project, 6 different village school and approximately 150 students are selected for the 2021-2022 education year. The first visit was made to Kocasinan Karakimse Primary School on 16 December, 2021. In this visit, a presentation was made about space. This presentation was followed by the model planets workshop to consolute their informations about space. Later, students had a good time by painting walls and playing games with volunteers came from the Youth Center. 

In another visit made to İncesu Hamurcu Primary School on 6 January, 2022, the team made a presentation about artical intelligence. Later, little students were given an opportunity to use some artifical intelligence programs under the observation of the team members. It was a different experience for these students and an opportunity to get their attention toward this field. Later, students played games and painted walls in a workshop.   

For the later phrases of this project, visits are planned to Zile Primary School, Subaşı Primary School, Üçkuyu Primary School, and Düver Primary School. In these visits, it is planned to make presentations about Atom ve Chemical Reactions, Electricity and Aurdino Circuit Design, Anatomy, and Cell and DNA. These visits will continue with some different experiments and workshops. The main purpose is to increase little village students’ attention to scientific issues.