Youth Factory as a youth center aims to improve abilities of young people who produce knowledge and transform it into value for the future, are aware of global problems, discuss them at international level and make a difference with their knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Unlike other universities, AGU puts youth at the center of its foundation. In this respect, AGU has established ‘Youth Factory’, formally known as ‘Youth Studies Application and Research Center and recognized by the Council of Higher Education, within the university by focusing on youth and non-formal education.  

AGU Youth Factory; an education and resource center for social and personal development of youth workers, leaders, trainers and young people. It arranges training courses related with youth topics and designed with non-formal education tools and approaches.




AGU aims to be an international university which embraces innovation and creativity, produces knowledge and use knowledge for scientific purposes and contributes to society.



Youth Factory aims to be an active unit to provide necessary information and guidance for young people in every field and contribute to society by activating these young people by offering volunteer opportunities. 


AGU aims to raise individuals who will shape the future, with its learner-oriented approach, transform knowledge into value with the contribution of partners and seek solutions for global problems as being a research university.

Youth Factory aims to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes of young people through inclusion and participatory learning, and make them individuals who are aware of global problems and produce solutions through national and international networks and mobilities